Real Estate Marketing Automation

Real Estate Marketing Automation

The real estate industry is a tough market to survive in. You need advanced marketing capabilities and the right skills to get your real estate business noticed by the target audience. Real estate companies and even individual brokers now rely on effective marketing for reaching out to a diverse audience.

However, real estate marketing is easier said than done. The only way you can make your marketing efforts more effective is through automation. This is because automation streamlines your marketing efforts by getting rid of several iterative processes that require extensive time and are prone to errors.

real estate marketing automation

What is Real Estate Marketing Automation?

Real estate marketing automation is fast gaining popularity all over the world. It has made organizing and following up a marketing campaign easy and convenient for marketers. Follow-up of marketing campaigns is something that many businesses are still not doing right.

Did you know that it can take up to 8 touchpoints to set up an initial meeting with a potential customer?

Many marketers do not go beyond two or three touchpoints before they give up and stop communicating with potential buyers.

With omnichannel marketing campaigns at our disposal, it is pretty easy to set up these touchpoints. Furthermore, you can do it in a way that the customer or prospective customer does not feel overwhelmed at any point.

Real estate is a high transaction business, and most people start planning their real estate investment way before they make an inquiry. This means even if your targets may be interested in real estate service right now, they are not yet ready to take action yet. Proper follow-up will ensure that your real estate company is on the top of their mind when they finally decide to take action.

It is bad enough to have your real estate customers slip through your fingers. But it is even worse when it’s because you did not follow up with them enough. Automation is the perfect tool if you want to optimize repetitive processes like follow-up mails.

Furthermore, you can use a variety of channels as your touchpoint. This includes emails, text messages, phone calls, or even direct mail, for that matter. Automation can simplify even complicated omnichannel marketing campaigns.

This article discusses the finer details of real estate marketing automation. We will discuss how automation can streamline different aspects of your real estate marketing. Let us take you through the real estate processes that can be automated. Let’s get started

Various Real Estate Marketing Operations That Can Be Optimized Using Automation

1. Lead Generation

Lead generation through website forms is a lot more streamlined through automation. You can directly link the landing pages and website to your CRM. It means that you can build an automated marketing system that can capture leads even while you sound asleep.

You don’t even have to build a complicated process. All you have to do is set up a simple callback request form or a classic contact form. What’s more interesting is that you can use different mediums for communication with an omnichannel marketing system.

You can even use offline communication mediums like direct mail. Additionally, you can use printed QR codes or PURLs on your direct mail to navigate them to your website or landing page.

Interestingly, you can even automate the direct mail process and have it linked to your CRM. Businesses prefer advanced direct mail solutions like PostGrid because of advanced capabilities like Address Autocomplete, optimizing your marketing efforts, and much more.

2. Sync Your Leads

We know that most companies are employing an omnichannel marketing approach. It is now evident that businesses need to sync all the leads that they get from numerous sources. The marketing channels typically employed by businesses include social media, blogs, ads, and so on.

Furthermore, some companies also employ offline marketing channels like direct mail. Channels like direct mail are preferred because of their higher ROI potential than other online channels.

With so many channels dragging invaluable leads, it can get tough to be on top of things every time. Thankfully, there are several solutions that you can use to sync leads. By doing so, you can maintain a high-quality customer/prospect database.

Such solutions also have additional features that can further help you optimize your business operations. In other words, automation does not just optimize your process but also gives you more control.

3. Sync Leads to Your Phone

Ultimately, automation is all about convenience. When it comes to business management, there is nothing more convenient than being able to do it on your phone. Real estate marketing automation can sync leads that you get from different channels.

You can even have your leads synced to your phone. Such a solution is perfect for anyone who works on the go.

It also gives you the ability to sync the leads to your phone’s contacts. So if the lead was to call your phone, you’d immediately know that it is a potential customer calling. This way, you can ensure that you are always ready for potential conversion.

You can also ensure that your prospects do not get hung up. The last thing you want is to be unresponsive when a prospect makes the desired action.

direct mail operations

4. Lead Routing Automation

Routing real estate leads to the best agents is perhaps the most important process for real estate companies. Manually routing the leads to your company’s top real estate agents will help you save valuable time and effort. You can use real estate marketing software to automate your real estate company’s lead routing and rotation.

You can set up your routing geographically via zip codes or even other parameters. Similarly, the system can also help you route your premium or high-value leads to your top-performing real estate agents. This way, not only do you get the convenience but also increase your chance of high-value conversions. You can even set up a “first-to-claim” process that can even encourage healthy competition between the agents.

5. Workflows For Nurturing Lead

Lead management can be complicated for real estate businesses. Merely storing and controlling your leads with your CRM is not enough for effectively nurturing your real estate leads. You need to establish a process that can nurture your leads and guide them towards a successful conversion.

Lead nurturing involves sending timely mails to the leads. Such leads must have a high potential for conversion, and the prospect must find it interesting or relevant. Automation can streamline your prospect’s journey down your conversion funnel.

You can use an automated workflow for sending electronic or postal mails periodically to the target audience and stay on top of their mind. Businesses now choose an omnichannel approach where they use different communication channels as touchpoints. You can use online and offline channels simultaneously for nurturing leads.

This means the touchpoints for your marketing can get highly diversified.

You can employ channels including email, text message, and even direct mail. Once you’ve set up your omnichannel marketing campaign, it requires little or no maintenance, and you can sit back and relax.

6. Workflows Based on Email Activity

Timing is one of the most important aspects that determine the success of your marketing campaigns. Reaching out to your prospects at the right time increases your chance of a conversion.

You can make use of advanced email workflows to automatically send replies to potential leads. The prospects request you for a demo or want to sign a contract or download resources on your website. The prospect must never be left waiting if or when they try to get in touch with your real estate business.

Follow-up is not something you can master after a couple of trials. It takes time and repeated analysis of your campaigns to come up with the right strategy. Using the automated system, you can get valuable insights into your follow-up campaign regardless of what channel you use.

With the various automation software available today, you can use numerous channels such as email and direct mail. Furthermore, you can automate each of them and control them from a central hub.

7. Lead Management

Lead management is yet another business operation that can be significantly improved using the help of automation. With a proper tool that lets you automate lead management, you can easily create a list of hot leads.

Such leads have the highest chance of getting converted. This way, you can smartly focus your time and energy. Ultimately, you can get the best possible result for your real estate marketing campaigns using automation.

You can even use the automation tool for lead management. For example, it can give you access to specific data based on previous response rates or marketing expenses. You can also sort or group your campaigns based on leads by value, leads by date, and so on.

As a result, your marketing campaigns are targeted to the right audience. But, more importantly, they are pitched at the right time so you can get the best results.

8. Track Your Opportunities

A significant number of your real estate leads are familiar with your brand but never really interacted with it. This is a very important niche for real estate business owners because such leads have a higher chance of conversion.

Automation enables your real estate business to keep such prospects or “opportunities” in check at all times. Most CRMs will also allow you to classify leads based on what stage of the conversion funnel they are in. The CRMs also allow you to track your prospect’s journey through the funnel.

For example, you categorize your customers into those who have received a callback request. Similarly, you can also categorize customers who have responded and based on closed cases. This enables you to pitch your touchpoints at the right time to increase your odds of conversion.

9. Monitoring Lead Activity And Triggers

Real estate marketing automation saves you the trouble of spending valuable time following your leads. Realtors often try to figure out which of their leads have a higher potential for conversion. In other words, you can prioritize your leads based on their activities.

So, now you can increase your chance of getting a higher response rate. Manually monitoring lead activity and triggers is time-consuming and prone to error, whereas automation makes it streamlined and fast.

This makes monitoring lead activity and triggers for businesses more convenient than ever before. The advanced automation tool even enables you to monitor the behavior of the leads that visit your website. You can then employ pre-set triggers that will notify you whenever your business is required to take any action. Doing so ensures a fulfilling experience for your prospective customers.

10 Managing Tasks And Transactions

Managing the tasks and transactions for a real estate business can be a nightmare if you do it manually. Real estate businesses have complex tasks and checklists. The advanced capabilities of an automated system enables you to effectively and conveniently manage your real estate tasks and checklists.

Using an automated system makes managing your real estate tasks and transactions easy and convenient. As a result, real estate marketing automation enables you to keep yourself updated. This includes even the small details associated with your campaigns. This includes processes such as listing, open house, sale, and more.

11. Automated Notifications

Real estate marketing automation includes every automation capability that can help you streamline your marketing efforts. This means real estate marketing automation goes way beyond direct client interactions. As we have mentioned before, timing is a big part of pitching a real estate deal.

An agent’s ability to strike a prospect at the right time differentiates an expert realtor from an amateur. Thankfully automation enables even the amateurs to strike with such precision. Real estate businesses can make use of their CRM and set up automated notifications.

This will allow you to send notifications to real estate agents. In effect, the agent gets a nudge every time a prospect shows interest in a property or leads engagement activity.

12. Finance & Accounting Automation

The finance section of a business is perhaps the most delicate one because of its high-risk nature. If left without careful supervision, accounting can become a headache that constantly keeps bothering you.

Unfortunately, accounting can still go wrong even under strict supervision. That is if you are still using a manual process for finance and accounting. However, with advanced cloud-based solutions made explicitly for finance and accounting, you can easily streamline your process.

Using such an advanced finance and accounting system further enables you to pitch more accurate and relevant offers to your clients. You first need to ensure that the automated system is synced with your key tools, such as your CRM. This can even be used to keep your prospects updated on the property values that can often fluctuate.

13. Property Management

Automated systems typically come equipped with numerous features and capabilities that make property management easier for your real estate business. Some of these advanced real estate CRM even have features like property management. So what does this mean for your real estate business and its clients? The property management feature enables you to enter property ID and track closing.

This allows your real estate business to keep track of properties and automate their tasks, including marketing. This means you can use the system to send out direct mail to property sales that are yet to be closed. As a result, you can also manage your deadlines and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

14. Automated SMS/Email Reminders

Another significant application of real estate marketing automation is automated SMS and Email reminders. It is not, by any means, rare for us as customers to miss important dates concerning a real estate transaction. Real estate transactions are complex when compared to regular business transactions.

A typical real estate transaction includes viewings, open houses, meetings, and inspections. All these events are important to the real estate buyer if they are serious about investing in a property. The automated SMS and Email reminders enable your real estate prospects to keep themselves in the loop.

Proper communication enables the real estate buyers and sellers to keep themselves updated about the key dates such as the days scheduled for an open house.

15. Voicemail Automation

Voicemail is yet another important touchpoint when it comes to real estate marketing. Although your first approach should always be to communicate with prospects directly, it is impossible to do that every time.

At some point, every real estate business will have to employ voicemail to serve its clients effectively. As you may have already figured, voicemail automation tools enable you to personalize your voicemail.

But, that’s not all that voicemail automation can do for you. You can also use the voicemail automation tool to personalize and send text messages and text messages to your prospects.

In addition, you can implement numerous advanced additional features to your website. However, it depends on what other systems and subsystems you integrate with your voicemail automation tool.

One of the popular additional features typically seen in voicemail automation tools is direct notification. It enables you to get a real-time notification on lead activities and respond quickly to them.

16. Automation For Property Inspection

Property Inspection is a vital part of real estate sales. Real estate buyers will give the most attention to inspection before they make a purchase. However, we know that inspection can be an exhausting task.

But, with the help of automation, property inspection does not have to be so hard for your real estate business. That being said, even though automation can greatly improve property inspection, a complete automation of inspection is not yet possible.

However, you can automate the several important and time-consuming processes involved in property inspections. This includes tedious tasks like agreement inspections and client follow-up.

You can even set reminders for the inspections and any other deadlines that concern the property inspection. You can even send out notifications to everyone if or when an inspection gets rescheduled.

17. Engagement And Performance Analytics

Your real estate marketing can hardly give you sustainable results unless and until you analyze its engagement and performance closely. You must then figure out ways to improve your results. Optimizing your team’s performance should naturally boost your engagements. However, it is not always the case.

This is why real estate businesses must have superior engagement and performance analytics. It helps you to understand what is working for your real estate business and what isn’t. Once the analysis is done, you can then make the necessary changes to optimize your real estate marketing campaigns.

18. Offline Communication Automation

Today, we have the technical capability to automate pretty much anything, even when talking about real estate marketing. Real estate businesses can make use of offline marketing channels such as direct mail to connect with their target customers.

Direct mail has a significantly higher response rate and ROI when compared to most of the advanced digital marketing strategies. Furthermore, the high open rate of direct mail enables you to grab their attention by pitching them with the right real estate property.

The application of direct mail is not limited to a specific omnichannel marketing campaign. Direct mail can also be used for regular communication with your existing and potential customers. You can use an advanced direct mail automation tool like PostGrid to automate direct mail for both cases we’ve mentioned above.

PostGrid has advanced features like address verification for better deliverability and Address Autocomplete for user convenience. Such advanced features make PostGrid the ideal tool for automated lead generation real estate.


Real estate marketing automation has now become inevitable. Automation is now required for optimizing numerous marketing, operational, and administrative procedures in the real estate business. It helps you with everything starting from lead generation to property management to advanced automation of offline communication channels. Direct mail automation is the best example to understand how effective automation can be for real estate marketing.

Advanced tools like PostGrid enable real estate businesses to obtain a higher response rate through advanced features like address verification. Furthermore, real estate businesses are also able to ensure the quality of the data right from its point of collection. This is possible now, thanks to features like PostGrid’s Address Autocomplete. Using automated systems like PostGrid ensures higher deliverability and also gets higher ROI for your real estate business.

Similarly, all automated systems employed in real estate marketing come equipped with all the features you need. These features can help streamline your real estate marketing and get you the results you hope for.

automate direct mail

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The post Real Estate Marketing Automation appeared first on PostGrid.




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